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Key Features

Introducing the key features of to redefine the way we experience and interact in the new virtual world. Main Metaverse Map - Key Features Icon Social Media & Game - Key Features Icon Metaverse Plaza - Key Features Icon Tokens & NFTs - Key Features Icon Metaverse Galleries - Key Features Icon Metaverse Event Spaces - Key Features Icon Digital Marketplace - Key Features Icon Artificial Intelligence - Key Features Icon

1. Main Metaverse Map

At, we have built an immersive hybrid map based on Singapore. Designed to provide a familiar and yet adventurous and exciting feel when exploring our map, the main country map provides an immediate way for users to interact with each other, engage with businesses and participate in games, events all on the main country map


And because fully fictional maps often lack identity and character. A stylized hybrid map offers familiarity and a connection to real-world objects. It sparks a sense of connection and curiosity to explore virtual objects based on their real-life counterparts. It provides users with a sense of belonging to the map they know.


Future development into other country maps as expands will allow us to connect cities and users from neighboring markets such as Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Jakarta, Ho Chi Minh etc.

​ Main Map (Day Scene)

Day Scene Main Map (Night Scene)

Night Scene

2. Metaverse Plaza

Welcome to's Metaverse Plaza, our exclusive hub. As the default spawning point for all avatars joining the platform, this meticulously crafted and conceptually stylized plaza is poised to redefine the way avatars and their users connect.


It aims to become a vibrant social epicenter where avatars can interact, mingle, and transform the way they engage with content snapshots and platform activities.


Unique Features of our Plaza

1. Plaza billboards

2. Billboard Top-10 List (Galleries and/or Vibes)

3. Plaza Featured Advertisements

4. Plaza Featured Galleries

5. Unique Avatar Spawn View (our most important feature yet) Metaverse Plaza

3. Galleries

Our concept of Galleries in the metaverse is simple. Merging all existing two-dimensional social media solutions that, combining them into a single virtual space, showcasing content like art in a gallery and transforming the viewing and sharing experience into a virtual digital one through three-dimensional objects and avatars.


The new virtual way to showcase yourself or your business. All your social media, achievements, content all housed in one 3D virtual space.


We plan to make galleries the central tool for reshaping and offering a gateway for everyone to enter and engage with the metaverse. Our goal is to bring galleries to various industries, revolutionizing their approaches to social media marketing and positioning galleries as the innovative path ahead. 



Individual Galleries

Introducing Galleries, where your personalized 3D virtual gallery becomes your virtual online and social media content hub. Whether you're a social media influencer with an abundance of content or a private individual who prefers sharing exclusively with a close-knit network of friends and family, Galleries within offers you the flexibility you desire. Gallery - Modern Contemporary Theme

Modern Contemporary Gallery - Industrial Theme

Industrial Gallery - Romantic Theme

Romantic & Lush Gallery - Minimalist Zen Theme

Minimalist Zen Gallery - Futuristic Theme


Commercial Galleries

Commercial Galleries will possess the capacity to present content and interact with users in unprecedented ways, rendering traditional online platforms such as websites, Facebook, and Instagram outdated.


Construct virtual environments complete with fully interactive products, featuring AI-powered brand ambassador bots in each gallery, ensuring engagement with every visitor.


Host interactive games and activities within the gallery, offer or trade unique NFTs, introduce distinct brand tokens, teleport users to miniature brand-specific galleries, and craft immersive experiences. Business Gallery - Mercedes Benz Prototype

Mercedes Benz Business Gallery Business Gallery - Macdonald's Prototype

Macdonald's Business Gallery

Community Galleries

Community galleries are designed to nurture and amplify communities, amplifying their communal message and extending their influence in society. Whether centered around fitness, self-improvement, gaming, or any shared interest, community galleries will serve as pivotal hubs for future community development.

4. Metaverse Event Spaces

Revolutionizing event promotion and awareness, event spaces will redefine the landscape. For every event, exclusive one-time galleries will be meticulously crafted, complete with all the unique in-gallery features. Visitors to on-map event spaces will enjoy seamless teleportation directly to the event galleries. Event Space (1) Event Space (2)

5. Social Media & Games

Presenting's exclusive micro-post feature, 'Vibes.' This concise, attention-grabbing social media message format is designed to connect with your network and attract new users. Share your 'Vibe' posts in your gallery or secure a spot in the Metaverse Plaza by achieving the highest number of reposts or garnering the most likes and comments.


Integrating mini-games into our platform will play a pivotal role in elevating user engagement and enhancing the overall user experience. Simple, fun and accessible. These compact gaming experiences not only deliver entertainment but also cultivate social interaction and collaboration within the virtual realm

6. Tokens, NFTs

Tokens and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are essential pillars within a metaverse platform, underpinning the economy, supporting the digital marketplace and adding vibrancy to the user experience.


Vault Tokens, as the native currency, enables users to participate in the’s economy. Through collected tokens, users can transact in digital vouchers (using them at participating businesses), purchase or exchange digital gallery objects and avatar wearables in the metaverse store or even gift tokens to each other.

7. Digital Marketplace

A digital marketplace within a metaverse platform plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of online interactions and commerce. It serves as the lifeblood of the metaverse, fostering a thriving ecosystem where users can exchange not only goods and services but also ideas and even digital assets.


Our very own Vault digital marketplace transcends traditional online shopping experiences, acting as the nexus of the virtual world, empowering individuals, and reshaping the dynamics of the digital economy. Its importance lies not only in facilitating transactions but also in fostering connectivity and community within the ever-expanding metaverse. Digital Marketplace Prototype

8. Artificial Intelligence

Implementing artificial intelligence within is another important feature as it enhances the user experience and engagement in this immersive digital realm.


We are proud to introduce our very own Avatar Bot, a virtual concierge and friendly chat-bot infused with advanced AI capabilities. This innovative Avatar Bot will serve as the metaverse's official ambassador, offering assistance and elevating the overall user journey, making it more enjoyable and seamless. AI Bot - Ambassador AI Bot - Zoo Ambassador
Singapore Zoo - Zookeeper Uniform

Likewise, we have the capacity to deliver bespoke AI-powered bots tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses, enhancing their uniqueness and taking the user experience to new heights. AI-driven content recommendations ensure that users are consistently exposed to content that aligns with their preferences and interests

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